Montag, 28. Oktober 2013

Would you defend a homosexual?

Would you defend a homosexual?

The story “Brotherly Love” is about a Mexican family. The protagonist is called Luis. Other characters are his brother Bernie, his sister Rosalinda and their father.
One day, Luis talks to his sister about Bernie, that he is worried that he might be gay, because he likes to go shopping plus loves to cook and bake. Their father is very religious and once yells at Bernie, because he thinks he is homosexual. But Bernie defends himself and hence also Luis, who is gay, by saying that there is nothing strange about it and that God loves everyone. Although he is not gay, he knows, as well as Rosalinda does, that Luis secretly likes boys. The teenagers know that their father is against those kinds of love, but Bernie and Rosalinda protect Luis and do not tell anyone about his secret. 

The story takes place in Mount Carmel, Mexico, in the 21th century. The family is very religious and visits the church every Sunday morning. It is told from the first person point of view, because in the first sentence it says: “The day I talked to my sister started out to be an ordinary Sunday.” And then it continues like this. It is written by the author Francisco X. Stork, but narrated by the character “Luis”. The climax of the story is when Luis’ sister explains that Bernie was defending Luis and not himself. With this she tells him that they knew about his secret.
I think the message of the story is that nobody should judge someone just because he is not like you or does not like the same things as you do and that human-beings or especially siblings should help each other when someone is in a difficult situation and does not know how to deal with it. 

I think the story is quite cool. It is not very difficult to understand and you easily understand the message of it even without knowing every single word.
I suppose teenagers would like this story because surely there are some out there who could identify themselves with Luis. Maybe they are in a similar situation and their parents were also not very pleased when they found out that their son or daughter preferred his or her sex more than the other one.  If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment below.

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