Mittwoch, 23. April 2014

“Southbourne School of English”

“Southbourne School of English”

Group Nr. 2


When we travelled to England it was naturally that we had to go to school. In the beginning we all were not that amused about it, but it turned out to be quite funny in the end.

We went to the “Southbourne School of English”, which was very nice. The school itself was big, clean, and beautiful. All the rooms were spacious, but not the one my group (group number 2) used to stay in. All the time someone wanted to leave the room you firstly had to conquer the challenge to stand up of your chair. It was so tight that you could not move back with your chair far enough to stand up normally, so you had to climb over it. When you managed to stand up, everybody in your row had to stand up as well to let you pass behind them.

Although the room was not very comfortable to stay in, the teacher, whose name was Lindsey, made up the situation. Lindsey was really nice and friendly and always complaint if someone was speaking German, which was great, because than we really had to speak English all along. She even asked us what we wanted to learn about during our stay, although our teachers had already made a list of topics, which we usually had to go through.

The lessons themselves were interesting. We talked a lot about different topics like sports, music, types of houses etc. However, the funniest part was definitely the one when we were just singing songs for two hours.

To sum up it is to that the days at the “Southbourne School of English” were really ok for school days. Sometimes it was a bit boring but it was good that we had to talk English all the time and that we had such a cool teacher.

2 Kommentare:

  1. I totally agree with you about our room. My personal favourite lesson was when we sang the whole time. It was fun to be in your group, I think we did have an amazing time!

  2. Your blog entry is well written and I agree with you that is was good to talk English all the time :)
